
Introducing InfinX MRO Lubricants

Halocarbon introduces the InfinX MRO line of high-performance lubricants.  The InfinX MRO series of fluorinated oils and greases was specifically designed for use in industrial

Halocarbon Introduces InfinX

Halocarbon is excited to launch  InfinX,  a new brand of fluorinated lubricant that was designed with our customer’s specific applications in mind. Unlike other fluorinated

Halocarbon Introduces InfinX MRO KF205

Halocarbon introduces its flagship perfluoropolyether (PFPE) product: InfinX MRO KF205. This high-performance lubricant is specifically designed for use in repair, operations, and routine industrial maintenance (MRO).

InfinX MRO 4.2: A Versatile PCTFE Oil

As one of the newest additions to InfinX’s well-rounded portfolio of solutions for maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO), InfinX MRO 4.2 Oil offers a variety of essential

InfinX MRO 27: A General-Purpose PCTFE Oil

As an integral addition to InfinX’s comprehensive portfolio of solutions, InfinX MRO 27 Oil provides crucial performance and safety properties for reliable lubrication in various maintenance,

InfinX Expands to International E-Commerce

InfinX continues to make significant strides in the fluorochemical e-commerce space since its inception. Building on the rich 70-year history of Halocarbon PCTFE technology, InfinX greases

Contact halocarbon

Corporate information

(470) 419-6364

Corporate Headquarters

6525 The Corners Parkway, Suite 200
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092

Manufacturing Plant

1100 Dittman Ct
North Augusta, SC 29841

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