Applications for Refractory Metal Metalworking Fluids

Applications for Refractory Metal Metalworking Fluids

Metalworking fluids for refractory metal operations are engineered synthetic fluids specially formulated to enhance and extend tool life by removing destructive friction at the contact point between the tool and the workpiece promoting improved surface finishes. Halocarbon designs their assortment of sophisticated lubricants with unique PCTFE-based technology to give each refractory metal fluid intrinsically nonflammable

Benefits: Metalworking Fluid for Refractory Metal Processing

The Benefits of Metalworking Fluids for Refractory Metal Processing

Refractory metal metalworking fluids are engineered synthetic fluids formulated to enhance and extend tool life by improving surface finish and removing destructive friction at the contact point between the tool and the workpiece. Premium-quality metalworking fluids provide machine operations with a safe solution for low-risk, effective machining, forming, and shaping of complex substrates. Workpiece quality

What to Look for In a Metalworking Fluid for Refractory Metals

What to Look for In a Metalworking Fluid for Refractory Metals

What Is a Refractory Metal Metalworking Fluid? A refractory metal metalworking fluid is an engineered synthetic solution for refractory metals specially formulated to extend tool life and improve surface finish by removing friction between the tool and the workpiece in all forms of metalworking operations. Metalworking fluids are designed to specifically improve the workpiece quality

Mechanical Seal Barrier Fluids Selection Guide

Mechanical Seal Barrier Fluids Selection Guide: Not a ‘One-Size Fits All’ Approach

Quality, performance and affordability are just a few of the characteristics of Halocarbon’s industrial lubricants. Over the past 30 years, Halocarbon has grown its specialization in the aerospace and military markets to develop quality specialty lubricants for industrial applications.  Halocarbon Mechanical Seal Barrier Fluids are a new line of fluorinated lubricants designed for use in

Mechanical Seal Barrier Fluids Guide

Mechanical Seal Barrier Fluids Guide

Over the last 30 years, Halocarbon’s industrial lubricants have evolved beyond their initial use in aerospace and military applications to more advanced manufacturing applications. One such application involves the use of Halocarbon fluorinated lubricants in mechanical seals.  Halocarbon engineers have specifically designed chemically-inert and nonflammable oils for use as mechanical seal barrier fluids and buffer

HaloVac® Precision Vacuum Pump Fluids Guide

HaloVac® Precision Vacuum Pump Fluids Guide

HaloVac® Precision Vacuum Pump Fluids are fluorinated lubricants engineered specifically for the low vapor pressures and viscosity characteristics required in precision vacuum pump applications. These oils have been used for over 60 years as a safe and reliable choice for lubricating and maximizing the operational life of mechanical pumps in high-performance cyrogenic and vacuum applications.